To my Alma Mater

On this day,

The Twelfth Day of the Ninth Month of the most significant Year,

Once again ,Hope has bouyed up
Once again, the trailblazing spirit has risen
And Once again, New determination has been born

Such is my Alma Mater,
Incessantly empowering
Continually advancing
And Unceasingly reminding me of my Ikigai

For what purpose should one cultivate wisdom?
“May you always ask yourselves this question
Engraved in stone, these bold and eloquent words , on a pedestal in my University
Also, etched in my heart eternally.

For as long as I live, he said ( my Mentor)
“You be proud of your hardships
And follow the “Never Give Up spirit” of Soka.
As if, an eternal source of Wisdom

When words fall short
Actions speak
Signing off as 18M0651
And signing in as 4EVERGR8FUL



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